Monday, September 04, 2006


Hello all! As most of you have asked, I decided to FINALLY post all my ideas, plans, mishaps, and rectifications on a home improvement blog. I hope you enjoy my excitement, satisfaction, and disappointments! By all means, if you know something I don't, PLEASE fill me in! I have never had a blog, and unfortunately am computer illiterate, so please bear with me!

As most of you know, I current live in my Dad's house, and am planning on purchasing the house from him. There are some changes I want to make before I am saddled with the mortgage, and will not be able to make these changes! I do have a little backtracking to cover to get us to present day, so hang on!

One fine day I went outside to water my plants on the back porch, and was greeted with a splendidly cool and crisp summer evening! I excitedly went inside to make a cup of coffee to enjoy ouside at my bistro table, and upon my return, I realized I had to drag out my chair cushion to sit on (my fuzzy cats LOVE to sleep on them), and after that, perturbed my coffee was losing steam, sat down to a filthy table (again...Fuzzy cats), and as I was contemplating going inside for cleaning products, was kamakazied by a fleet of mosquitoes! After slapping myself pink, I glanced disappointedly at my lukewarm java .Frustrated, I went inside, poured my magnificent brew down the sink, and announced aloud (mostly for the cats to hear) that there is no reason I have to go through such hoops just to enjoy being outside on my *&$#^$#$!porch! I decided then and there to enclose my back porch! Wow, the thought of my table always being set and clean, cushions awaiting my presence, and no fuzz 'n bugs, PRICELESS! And thus the design was born!


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