The Guest Room
Yea, told you it was going to be a good one!
So, to finish up with my idea of the back guest room. I am going for antiqued country charm, with sweet, warm touches to make my guests cozy! What better way than with patchwork quilted bedding? So, I shopped around a while, and found a steal at Wal-Mart! Yea, good old Wally-World came through!

I love the feminine touch of the flowers, and was uber excited when I found these perfect sheers for the windows, they almost match the back of the quilt!

The harware is whitewashed like the doors!

I can't wait!
So as most of you know (and am running from!) I am painting the interior of my house!
I said I am don't get me wrong, if you would like to come by and
A: help paint
B: keep me company
C: bring food
D: change CD's
You are all more than welcome every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6pm - midnight for the next...oh....6 months.
I have blue carpet.
But it really works with the house, I have to admit, and is in such good condition, Gila-Monster slept on it in the living room...PRE AKELLO! Now THAT'S comph!
So I am quite limited to my color choices, but want color on the walls, not new-white!
Enjoy your beans...

Now THIS is funny...
Dad was hanging out at the house, and Lia and I were all excited to try out the paint samples to make sure they were as perfect as we imagined. So there's Dad on the couch, and we ask him in true "Trading Spaces" fashion,
"Are you ready to see the new room color?"
Dad grunted and didn't even look up. As most of you know, he is not quite the "visionary" when it come to the home.
He tried to crane his neck around us to see the TV, until...
I got the brush and began slapping the paint on the wall!
I now know where my intense eye twitch comes from!
As we proceeded around the house to mark every wall, Dad never moved, I think he's still in shock to be honest with you....
Yup...Still in the same position!
Well to our dissapointment, the tan and lime just didn't cut the cake, but the creme is PERFECT!! So, back to the drawing board for me!
So, to finish up with my idea of the back guest room. I am going for antiqued country charm, with sweet, warm touches to make my guests cozy! What better way than with patchwork quilted bedding? So, I shopped around a while, and found a steal at Wal-Mart! Yea, good old Wally-World came through!

I love the feminine touch of the flowers, and was uber excited when I found these perfect sheers for the windows, they almost match the back of the quilt!

The harware is whitewashed like the doors!

I can't wait!
So as most of you know (and am running from!) I am painting the interior of my house!
I said I am don't get me wrong, if you would like to come by and
A: help paint
B: keep me company
C: bring food
D: change CD's
You are all more than welcome every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6pm - midnight for the next...oh....6 months.
I have blue carpet.
But it really works with the house, I have to admit, and is in such good condition, Gila-Monster slept on it in the living room...PRE AKELLO! Now THAT'S comph!
So I am quite limited to my color choices, but want color on the walls, not new-white!
Enjoy your beans...

Now THIS is funny...
Dad was hanging out at the house, and Lia and I were all excited to try out the paint samples to make sure they were as perfect as we imagined. So there's Dad on the couch, and we ask him in true "Trading Spaces" fashion,
"Are you ready to see the new room color?"
Dad grunted and didn't even look up. As most of you know, he is not quite the "visionary" when it come to the home.
He tried to crane his neck around us to see the TV, until...
I got the brush and began slapping the paint on the wall!
I now know where my intense eye twitch comes from!
As we proceeded around the house to mark every wall, Dad never moved, I think he's still in shock to be honest with you....
Yup...Still in the same position!
Well to our dissapointment, the tan and lime just didn't cut the cake, but the creme is PERFECT!! So, back to the drawing board for me!
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