I love the smell of paint in the morning!
I apologize for the crevase of time that has passed since our last meeting. Due to funding difficulties I have been forced to regroup and alter my immediate plans. Seems folks just don't watch telethons like they used to! How can you say no to a free mug? As most of you know, due to my aura of downey freshness, I have purchased a sweet stackable washer and dryer, and that has set me back substantially.


I fit an entire new shelving unit in the mofo!
Another blow my crew has endured is the recent demise of my trusty digital camera, returned to the fire from which it was forged! So $500 bucks later, I have one on order.....from another fiery depths....of another inferno....hmmmmm, shudda gotten that warranty! Anyhoo, Lia "in case of emergency" Guerra just happens to have a digital camera of her own that we will put to good use in the interim. Shall we?
Drawn and saddened by my lack of funding, I reluctantly gathered my troops for the solemn task of returning the back guestroom into its previous souless state. Dad and Lia showed up dressed...well...let's just say like me on the weekends, yea, that's good. Dad, with the glow of a 10 year old boy, excitedly proclaimed they had a proposition. Lia stood smiling at his side....until he remarked, "Go ahead Lia" and headed for the coutch. Stuttering as she watched him trot into the sunset of avoidance, Lia squirmed as she stated , "Uh...well...., we just thought, why don't we paint the back bedroom anyway? I mean, I know it's going to be a while until we have money for wainscoting and trim, and we are just going to cover it up anyway, but at least in the interim you will have a nice room until it is finished." She flashed her toothiest grin and whipped out a brush from behind her back. I leaned over to look at dad, and with remote in one hand staring directly at sportscenter, he raised a brush in the air. Both of you, eh? Hell, that sounds like a plan to me!
I was so focused on going hard or going home, I didn't think of doing a partial job, but even though it is a bit of wasted time in the long run, it's fun time, and this will satisfy my little shop of horrors home improvement bug! Armed with determination and drop cloths, Lia and I set to prime the room, and Dad was sent for tacos and paint. This was well suited, TRUST me! Unfortunately no pics, but rest assured, tonight we apply color and that's the real exciting part! So stay tuned for the next exciting installment of...Country Cottage Creation!
Back Guest Room Before...

Alternate Ghetto Rendering...

Towel Hooks for Guests......


I fit an entire new shelving unit in the mofo!
Another blow my crew has endured is the recent demise of my trusty digital camera, returned to the fire from which it was forged! So $500 bucks later, I have one on order.....from another fiery depths....of another inferno....hmmmmm, shudda gotten that warranty! Anyhoo, Lia "in case of emergency" Guerra just happens to have a digital camera of her own that we will put to good use in the interim. Shall we?
Drawn and saddened by my lack of funding, I reluctantly gathered my troops for the solemn task of returning the back guestroom into its previous souless state. Dad and Lia showed up dressed...well...let's just say like me on the weekends, yea, that's good. Dad, with the glow of a 10 year old boy, excitedly proclaimed they had a proposition. Lia stood smiling at his side....until he remarked, "Go ahead Lia" and headed for the coutch. Stuttering as she watched him trot into the sunset of avoidance, Lia squirmed as she stated , "Uh...well...., we just thought, why don't we paint the back bedroom anyway? I mean, I know it's going to be a while until we have money for wainscoting and trim, and we are just going to cover it up anyway, but at least in the interim you will have a nice room until it is finished." She flashed her toothiest grin and whipped out a brush from behind her back. I leaned over to look at dad, and with remote in one hand staring directly at sportscenter, he raised a brush in the air. Both of you, eh? Hell, that sounds like a plan to me!
I was so focused on going hard or going home, I didn't think of doing a partial job, but even though it is a bit of wasted time in the long run, it's fun time, and this will satisfy my little shop of horrors home improvement bug! Armed with determination and drop cloths, Lia and I set to prime the room, and Dad was sent for tacos and paint. This was well suited, TRUST me! Unfortunately no pics, but rest assured, tonight we apply color and that's the real exciting part! So stay tuned for the next exciting installment of...Country Cottage Creation!
Back Guest Room Before...

Alternate Ghetto Rendering...

Towel Hooks for Guests......

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