Feast your eyes!
WOW! What a difference a day makes! Esteban showed up early to have a taco with us before he got to work. Fully caffeinated and fed, we settled down on the couch in the kitchen to watch him go to town with the cedar stain. He did the beam, AND the mantle! We even found out he screens porches! (EXXXXcelent!) Lia found out he scores and stains concrete as well. She has been wanting to rip out her carpet and treat the slab, so we know who to call when that time comes! This guy is great, I have his number if anyone wants it! Even though it is fall, it has been almost 100 degrees! I can't put the A/C on with all those toxic poisons seeping into my pores, I will grow a 6th toe! So after a LOOOOOOOOONG night of sticking to my sheets and choking on fumes. I was surprised my cognitive skills were still working! After he finished up the stain it looked AMAZING! The wood is so deep and rich!

Lia and I set to work painting the green walls, and all the trouble was totally worth it!
The green looks incredible against the blue ceiling!

My house is like a different house! It feels like it has a happy soul! There is so much character and depth, and I feel as bright as the colors when I walk in the rooms! It is so unique! It is going to be a while until the wainscoting and crown molding go up, but my crew was right, it was worth making these changes now. As the light changes throughout the day, the colors change completely! I have studied all of this in college but I really had no idea until now. We painted the back guestroom the same color as the living room, and they look completely different, it is amazing!
The yellow wall and the rest of the kitchen was next! I learned my lesson and dragged my pillows and few remaining brain cells to Dad's to crash at night. Today we finished painting the kitchen and hallway yellow, and the kitchen ceiling blue! The pics do no justice for the magnificence that is....my kitchen!!

Lia suggested we wallpaper over the existing because the existing is attatched so well. I have removed wallpaper once, and as any of you who have, this is great news! I also purchased roman shades for the living room, and want to get them for the middle guest room too. They look great! FYI the metal pole and finials are sold separate, and you need them at the same time or it will look like this.....

I LOVE this shade, it makes the green wall stand out even more! I have ordered the wallpaper and Lia advised it should go up in a day and the kitchen is donesies for season 1!! WOO-HOO!!

Lia and I set to work painting the green walls, and all the trouble was totally worth it!
The green looks incredible against the blue ceiling!

My house is like a different house! It feels like it has a happy soul! There is so much character and depth, and I feel as bright as the colors when I walk in the rooms! It is so unique! It is going to be a while until the wainscoting and crown molding go up, but my crew was right, it was worth making these changes now. As the light changes throughout the day, the colors change completely! I have studied all of this in college but I really had no idea until now. We painted the back guestroom the same color as the living room, and they look completely different, it is amazing!
The yellow wall and the rest of the kitchen was next! I learned my lesson and dragged my pillows and few remaining brain cells to Dad's to crash at night. Today we finished painting the kitchen and hallway yellow, and the kitchen ceiling blue! The pics do no justice for the magnificence that is....my kitchen!!

Lia suggested we wallpaper over the existing because the existing is attatched so well. I have removed wallpaper once, and as any of you who have, this is great news! I also purchased roman shades for the living room, and want to get them for the middle guest room too. They look great! FYI the metal pole and finials are sold separate, and you need them at the same time or it will look like this.....

I LOVE this shade, it makes the green wall stand out even more! I have ordered the wallpaper and Lia advised it should go up in a day and the kitchen is donesies for season 1!! WOO-HOO!!
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